What is a heat map?
Types of heatmaps
There are 3 different types of heat maps that can be made of your web pages, namely: a scroll map, click map and move map.
Scroll folder
The scroll map is a heat map in which the scrolling behavior of visitors is visualized. From this you can deduce what percentage of your visitors reach the end of the page or, for example, see an important part of the page.
A click map is a heat map on which all clicks on a web page are visualized. Based on this you may be able to discover usability problems or use popular areas.
The move map gives you insight into the mouse movements of visitors. You can in some way deduce from this what the visitor is looking at. With this analysis you discover whether the focus of visitors is on the right elements.
Insight into behavior
A heat map gives you incredible insight into the behavior of visitors on your website. Using these heat maps you can improve the usability on your website and increase conversion. Any barriers can be discovered in a simple manner.