How much is a footballer worth? You can discuss this endlessly. For example, does that depend on the number of goals or assists a player has scored in a season? What if you could determine the market value of top footballers such as Lionel Messie or Cristiano Ronaldo based on data and popularity? Spanish scientists have developed an innovative method that now makes this possible Google Trends.
Populariteit voetballer Lionel Messi

Data driven marketing

As data-driven marketers, Google Trends has also been part of our work for quite some time. It is therefore no surprise to us that this tool can be used in various sectors. Using Google Trends, we are able to find interesting content and use the tool to set up online marketing strategies.

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In addition, it allows us to refine and adapt our marketing strategies based on current trends, resulting in relevant and engaging content. The platform collects a wealth of data on search queries, providing deep insights into the audience’s shifting interests and trends. By analyzing this information, it can be accurately determined which search terms and topics are currently popular and which are gaining or losing popularity. 
Voorbeeld Google Trends Cristiano Ronaldo
Example of an upward trendline around the search term Cristiano Ronaldo over the past 30 days.