
Conversion optimization process for an online career choice test

JobPersonality case
Jobpersonality is a well-known name in online career choice tests. What sets Jobpersonality apart is its appropriate personal vocational advice.


Monkeybridge was asked to help implement JobPersonality’s online marketing plan. The first assignment was to ensure that JobPersonality would score well on the important search terms in Google. We could then get started on increasing online sales.

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Increase in orders premium report


Increase in CTR to the order page
Case mockup JobPersonality

Our approach

We started this assignment with an extensive online analysis of the search and click behavior of visitors to the Jobpersonality website. This way we were able to identify at which point(s) visitors drop out and what the possible causes are. This information then provided direction on where we should deploy interventions and improvements to achieve the intended objectives.

Based on our online analysis, we came to two concrete points for improvement: the accessibility (Accessibility) and the persuasion (Persuasiveness). During our analysis, we concluded that the call to action button on the website was not ideally positioned, causing it to lose impact. In addition, it turned out that the call to action did not provide enough incentive to convince (of a purchase). As a result, our UX designers have revised the design of the call to action button and rewritten the call to action text

To test whether our interventions worked, we tested both the existing and the updated web page side by side for some time. This allowed us to see which version achieved the highest conversion. Based on the results of this test, the version that achieved the best scores was put live.


Both Jobpersonality and we were pleasantly surprised by the major impact of our improvements. For example, the number of clicks on the call to action button increased by no less 161%.

This is of course a nice result in itself. But even better was the fact that there was an even greater increase in the number of actual orders – the number of orders for a premium report at Jobpersonality increased by 365% (!). In short, this was a very successful online marketing process for both Jobpersonality and us.

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